Lotus and pond lily have several characteristics in common but pond lily can reach the length of maximum 20 centimeters while lotus can reach up to 3 meters. Pond lilies belong to the Nymphas. Nymphas are “young women” living in grizzles and forests. In the saga of Homer, they are mentioned as “the girls of Zeus”. They live in the caves and are sometimes dangerous. They spend their lives spinning wool and singing. According to their appearances, the oldest ones are Ash Tree Nymphas. These are not the girls of Zeus but of Ouranos (Uranus). Nereus girls are known as calm Nymphas.

Pond lily protects the water with stream gods. Lotus and pond lily have several characteristics in common but pond lily can reach the length of maximum 20 centimeters while lotus can reach up to 3 meters. In mythology, it is known as the flower that protects the water. It is a plant that sinks under the water at night, however, in the morning it goes back on the water and bloom; therefore, lily pond is the symbol of the sun and birth. When a dust piece come down on it, it shakes its leaves and sends the dust away. Lotus does not hold the liquid substances like honey, oil and other liquids on itself, and drops them before penetrating to its leaves. It is a symbol of spiritual cleansing. Similarly, this characteristic of lotus is used as a protection on nanotechnological surfaces with the particles that are 10-20-millimeter length by the scientists. Protection is provided by preventing for water and other liquids to stick on materials like fabric, ceramic, silver, diamond and glass. Today cell phones can fit into the pockets of shirts thanks to nanotechnology and it brings us the improvement of not only the size of the devices but also the fast processing skills of them. Protons and neutrons, which form the atom, actually consist of sub-particles called “quark” and they can excess the limits of the human mind. The size of the quarks that form protons is 1018 in other form, it is 0,000000000000000001 meters.